

The Final Trip of the Season

The weather and Wilmot continues to delight with  on-going snow and skiiing/boarding opportunities.  WE ARE GOING TO WILMOT on SATURDAY, MARCH 24th, ONLY IF WE GET AT LEAST 20 MEMBERS to sign up from LINCOLN PARK and 10 MEMBERS FROM RIVER FOREST. We need at least that many to ensure we cover the bus expenses. I hope you will join us in the last hurrah of the season. Sign up is open until Friday at Noon.

Two Trips for our Club Members

We have two trips this weekend for our club members. The weekend favorite to Granite Peak, and a the regular trip to Wilmot. While we have puc=shed the Granite Peak back to later in March, we expected that Wilmot would not have enough snow to sustain a regular weekly trip. Boy, were we wrong. Probably the best snow of the season still awaits us at Wilmot. Unfortunately, the Wilmot trip is not wothout its challenges. School calendars and new seasonal sports are limiting our member attendance along with the lack of bus availability. Since we have less kids going to Granite Peak than we anticipated, we could move one of the reserved buses to the weekly Wilmot trip. With the very low attendance from the River Forest route, we are consolidating the two main routes into one with only the two stops - River Forest and Lincoln Park. See your weekly email from Blizzard for more details.

Final week of Blizzard before Granite Peak

It is looking like March 10th will be the final Wilmot trip of the Blizzard Season. We encourage everyone to attend, even those who have not joined us all season. Since we will have colder weather during the next few evenings, WIlmot will be able to make snow and keep the snowpack from melting during the day. 

Heading into the Final Stretch and Granite Peak

I am looking forward to having some snow for March 3rd. Right now it looks pretty bare, but we have a prospect for snow tomorrow. As we head into the "Spring" the snow and weather deteriorates. As you can see from Wilmot's website, the slopes look pretty bare. If we get some snow tomorrow that will give us a reprieve, but if the temperatures stay above freezing, the ground will thaw and any new snow will be short lived. When Wilmot close, is up to them, and the weather. Last season they stayed open an additional week in March (March 16th) as we had a snow storm earlier in the week - so we took advantage of the snow and added a weekend to our season. This year we moved Granite Peak to that third Saturday, so we suspect that our last trip may in fact be March 10th.

Granite Peak Trip and Week 10

As we head into the "Spring" the snow and weather deteriorates. As you can see from Wilmot's website, they have been closed the past two days in the hopes of blowing new snow and preserving what they have for the weekend (for us!) They will continue to do this for each weekend until they close. When they close is up to them, and the weather. Last season they stayed open an additional week in March (March 16th) as we had a snow storm earlier in the week - so we took advantage of the snow and added a weekend to our season. This year we moved Granite Peak to that third Saturday, so we suspect that our last trip may in fact be March 10th.