Ski Patrol Services

While we try to avoid mishaps and teach our students about the Responsibility code which has a focus on safety, falls do occur and we need to be prepared to take care of the situation. We rely on services provided by the Ski Patrol and defer to their guidance. The  Ski Patrol provides safety and some elementary medical services. They are dedicated to the service and safety of the general skiing and snowboarding public. This includes providing exceptional quality rescue and emergency care, promoting skier education and maintaining a high degree of visibility on the ski slopes. All of the volunteer members are members of the National Ski Patrol.

An injured or ill Blizzard member can seek the services of the Ski Patrol simply by entering their room at the base of the Mountain House. The intake Patrol Officer will then assess the situation and come up to a Blizzard Supervisor to notify us (if we are not already in the Patrol Room due to advance warning.)

Current procedure is for any injury that may involve head, neck, back, suspected break, dizziness, or of a similar lingering capacity, may require a transfer to the local hospital, although unlikely. While there are paramedics on the Patrol staff, they transfer any suspected trauma injuries to area hospitals. Before a Blizzard member is transferred an attempt is made to reach the parent to advise them of what is happening and seek their advice on how to handle the situation. These occurrences are infrequent and usually not as serious as suspected, but we all error on the side of caution when making these decisions. If we do not reach the parent, we leave word and a cell phone number for callback to ensure they are aware of the situation.