Gearing up for our First Trip - Saturday, December 9th


A new email was sent early this morning. It has pertinent information for our trip on December 9th. If you did not receive it, you are not on the mailing list. To add yourself - go to the "Latest Blizzard email Blast" under the "More Info" tab. Click on the link. At the top of the page you can add yourself to the email blasts.
Remember, you can only sign up the week of the trip, so sign up will start on Monday, December 4th @ 7 AM. Trip fee is $175. You must already have your equipment for that trip. We cannot accommodate  renting equipment at Alpine or Wilmot.

There is a 25% discount on labels from you preferred vendor from November 27th-29th.  Please take advantage of that sale for clothing and gear labels. Mabels Labels - Blizzard Ski Club

The entire database was wiped clean. Returning members have no history and have to sign up as new members.

If you have paid for your membership and received a receipt from PayPal; Stop. You are done. No other confirmation is forthcoming.


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